team of
dojo news
"The longest journey starts with a first
step." Today is
and you could take your first step now, by
enjoying your FREE TRIAL
CLASS at our Institute. |
Our Dojo Shihan, Dan-Horia Chinda,
believes strongly that our "Do", the
personal pace to self-discovery, is a
continuous development supported by a
constant, diligent training, physical,
psychological, mental and spiritual,
based on a daily routine, for the rest
of our lives. Withouth it, the spirit
of Karate is vanishing away, cooling
off like the hot water when the fire
is turned off.
The student begins with discovering a
great deal of body coordination
increasing spectacularly the physical
and psychological endurance. The main
philosophy in our Dojo is the
self-development at one's own pace, in
a supporrtive, non-competitive
environment. The student starts the
training by learning basic stances,
blocking and attacking techniques in a
solo manner, the KIHON.
technique's effeciancy is enhanced
by training with makiwara
and the punching bag.
When those are perfected, the partner work
begins, in a preestablished, controlled one-step
form, the IPPON KUMITE.
Other forms of controlled fighting follow, the
highest of which is the Free
Fighting, or JIU-KUMITE, which starts only
when the student achieved the third kyu
(about two years). In the meantime, for
each belt level, a KATA
(the imaginary fight) must be performed. There
are 26 KATAS in Shotokan
Karate-Do. In traditional Karate, the Kata is
the highest expression of a karateka's
development, exhibiting perfect techniques, a
great coordination and timing, and finally, most
importantly, the ZANSHIN, the mature spirit of
fighting. Eventually Karate-Ka
will learn the BUNKAI, the martial explination
of the movements contained in the kata. Everybody
in our Dojo follows their own DO, the "way" of
self-discovery and development, the basic topics
Dojo ethic is illustrated by the main idea of
"never fight to be better than your colleague,
but be better than you are,"
says our Shihan. Our Dojo adopted the Grand
Master's basic idea, which says: "Karate ni
sente nashi," meaning, " never start the karate
with an attack."
History of Karate

The Dojo's Shihan, Dan-Horia Chinda
You will develop:
- Greater self discipline and sense of
- High
physical and psychological endurance
- Strong character and determination
- Emotional control and stability
- Higher self confidence and self
- A powerful body and emotional control
- Efficient self-defense skills

KUMITE at a seminar in the Romanian
Carpathian mountains
For the Pittsburgh school, contact njn2@comcast.net
or melacom.inc@verizon.net
immediately to schedule an appointment for your FREE
CLASS. For the Fort Lauderdale school, contact our
Senior Master at master@chindadojo.org.
During your visit at the Institute, you will enjoy a
personal Interview with our Senior Master or Instructors,
to define the strategies needed in achieving your
The Chinda Institute International is dedicated to presenting
instructions in martial arts, meditation, and Far Eastern
exercise techniques in a traditional, noncompetitive
atmosphere. The emphasis is on creating a greater awareness of
one's mind, body and spirit, and the personal power that
awareness creates.
Led by our world renown Master, the Institute strive
to provide the modern practitioner with the proper tools in
understanding the philosophy and form of the various Art we
